I keep telling myself I'm going to make a renewed commitment to blogging, not because I have fascinated readers out there just dying to hear about my life, but because as I look back over the blog, I am constantly reminded of God's faithfulness.
I was just thinking this week over the last year. A year ago this weekend, I was in San Francisco having a blast with some friends, then we came home to a wonderful church family retreat that was literally the calm before the storm (AKA Hurricane Ike). I have been in a such a reflective mood the last few days just thinking about all that has changed since last year and all that God has done. He continues to prove Himself faithful. And the best thing?. . .He isn't faithful to what I want, or think I need, at the moment. He is faithful to bring glory and honor to His name. One of the verses I memorized this year is Isaiah 55:8-9:"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,'declares the LORD. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'" I had no idea how much God would use that verse in my life this year, but it has really become the theme of this past year. If you had asked me a year ago where I would be right now (physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually), let me just say, it wouldn't be where I am. But praise God that His ways are higher than mine! His faithfulness knows no end! He knows me better than I know myself. He has stretched me in ways over the last 12 months that I would've never believed. There have been joys, trials, sadness, gladness, hurt, and triumph, but through it all He remains the same!
On a much lighter note, let me fill you in on what's been going on with me. I have made an offer on a house in Highlands Woods (less than a mile from where I live now). I had to put a contingency in the contract to sell my house before we close. So, now the time crunch. . . I need to sell my house NOW! It's a great house, and I've even cried a time or two in the last month thinking about leaving it. But, the new house is exactly what I need. It is a perfect place to do ministry to teenagers here in Highlands, because it's on more land and has a swimming pool! It also has a garage, which I don't have here, so that will be nice. The best perk?...it has a separate building for my business. This past year has been so hectic that the business has been pushed to the back burner. I have recently changed the name (Little Squirt Boutique), and will be selling new gift items (mostly for babies). I have a website, but there isn't merchandise on it right now. I'm hoping to have it up and fully functioning by the end of the year, if not sooner. The website is: www.littlesquirtboutique.com. I know this business is a great way for me to minister to people and have another touch in the community. I know God will provide a way for me to have time for it. My job is to be a good steward of the time and resources He has given! I'm excited about the future! One other thing that's coming up is another mission trip to Africa. We'll be leaving October 15 and returning October 24. I'll be posting more about some fundraisers we'll be doing before the trip!
Sorry this is so long. . ..I'll try to update more frequently