Thursday, February 12, 2009

He's so into you!

I'm finally getting a few minutes to sit down and write a blog. So much has gone on in the last few weeks, and God continues to be faithful.

In a previous blog, I mentioned our DNow weekend with our students at church. It was an amazing weekend and God was honored. The students' learned all weekend about God's Word and how they can apply it in their lives. I can see a new appreciation and desire for His Word in so many of them already. God's promise is so true that His Word will not return empty.

This is something God's been re-iterating to me as well. Tuesday night, I felt God leading me to just sit and read the Word for an extended period of time. I decided to start in Psalms. When I sat down, it was about 11:15 p.m., and I decided to read until midnight. So, in about 45 minutes, I read about 15 pages. So, I decided to see how long it would take me to read the whole Bible at this pace, and I took the total number of pages in my Bible and divided it by 15. Do you know it would only take 70 days or so to read the Bible?? I was shocked! I even did the calculation in my calculator twice to make sure! I know that Psalms probably reads faster than other books, but this was completely eye-opening and convicting to me! If I'll just take even 30 minutes every day to read my Bible, I can read it through at least twice a year! Crazy!!! I'm so thankful that God has given me a renewed passion for His Word!

My mind is racing about all the things I've been learning, and what God has been convicting me of, but I think I'll leave you with this story. I went to see the new hit movie He's Just Not That Into You with some girlfriends Friday night. I have to say I laughed out loud alot as they portrayed the ins and outs of dating in the 21st century. Unfortunately, I could relate in so many ways! And, of course the movie doesn't end with some magic formula to figure out what a guy is really thinking. . .that's definitely still up in the air! I was just thinking about that whole thing today, and how people will continue to let us down even when they have the best of intentions. There is One, however Who is sooooooooo into each of us! I never, ever have to try to figure out if Jesus loves me! Just like the kid's song says, I know it because "the Bible tells me so." I also know it because He is faithful to His Word every time, without fail. There is no person on earth we can say that about. So, if you were doubting that all, I just want you to rest in the love of the One who cares so deeply about you! He's absolutely crazy about you!!

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1-3

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much!! This was wonderful!! It is such a sweet reminder, and makes a difference in my whole outlook.. :) Love you!!
